Breed of the Month Archive

Dual-Purpose Belgian Blue
Herd-Book creation :1974
Nb. Breeding females (2006) :~ 4400
Trend :Increasing - stable
Location :
(Regions Walloon (75%) / Flemish (25%))
Local name :
Blanc Bleu Mixte (BE)
Bleue du Nord (FR)
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Villard de Lans Breed
Herd-Book creation :1979
Nb. Breeding females (2006) :~ 340
Trend :Stable
Location :French Prélps
Local name :-
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Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cattle (MRY)
Photo: Veeteelt
Herd-Book creation :1905
Nb. Breeding females (2004) :~ 14.000
(pedigree >87,5% MRY)
Trend :Decreasing
(rapid decrease from 1999 till 2004; halved in number)
Location : Along the main rivers (Meuse, Rhine, Yssel)
in the Netherlands
Local name :MRIJ, Maas-Rijn-IJssel vee
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Herd-Book creation :2005
Nb. Breeding females (2007) :1125
Trend :Decreasing
Local name :Pajuna, Serrana
English name :Pajuna
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Eastern Finncattle
Photo: Tapio Tuomela/Copyright: MTT
Herd-Book creation :1898
Nb. Breeding females :about 450
Trend :Upwards
Location :mainly Eastern Finland
Local name :itäuomenkarja, kyyttö
English name :Eastern Finncattle
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Kerry Cattle
Herd-Book creation :1887
Nb. Breeding females (2006) :about 1200
Trend :Upwards
Location :Ireland; mainly in the southwest
Local name :Kerry Cattle
English name :Kerry Cattle
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Polish Red
Herd-Book creation :1895
Nb. Breeding females  (2007) :about 1450
Trend :Upwards
Location :Poland, mainly in the south
Local name :Polska Czerwona
English name :Polish Red
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Ferrandaise breed
Herd-Book creation :1905/ new : 1980
Nb. Breeding females  (2007) :about 729
Trend :increasing
Location :Massif Central (Central Mountains)
English name :Ferrandaise breed
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Groningen White Headed
Photo: Zwanet Faber
Herd-Book creation :1905
Nb. Breeding females (2007) :~ 1.500 (pedigree >87,5%)
Trend :Slowly increasing
Location :Provinces Groningen and South Holland near the "Leidse Rhine" and the "Old Rhine" in the Netherlands
Local name :Groninger Blaarkop
English name :Groningen White Headed
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Reggiana breed
Herd-Book creation :1986
Nb. Breeding females (2007) :1500
Trend :increasing
Location :95% of herds located in the Reggio Emilia province, Northern Italy
English name :Reggiana breed
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Alistana Sanabresa breed
Herd-Book creation :1998
Nb. Breeding females (2007) : 1800-2000
Trend :increasing
Location :90% of animals are located in Zamora Province, being the rest distributed throughout the rest of Castilla y León
English name :Alistana Sanabresa breed
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Western Finncattle breed
Herd-Book creation :1906
Nb. Breeding females :1300
Trend :declining
Location :all the country
English name :Western Finncattle
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Dual Purpose Red and White
Herd-Book creation :1924
Nb. Breeding females :Few data available: In 2004 less the 3000 cows milk recorded in Flandres
Trend :declining
Location :Wallonia: Eastern Canton
Flandres: Kempen
Local name :La Pie Rouge de Type Mixte; Roodbont
English name :Dual Purpose Red and White
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Brandrood rund - Deep red cattle
Photo: Veeteelt
Herd-Book creation :1905
Nb. Breeding females (2007) :454
Trend :Increasing
Location :Along the main rivers (Meuse, Rhine, IJssel) in the Netherlands
Local name :Brandrood rund
English name :Deep red cattle
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Modenese breed
Herd-Book creation :1986
Nb. Breeding females650, most registered in the herd-book
Trend :Stable, slight increase
Location :73% and 12% of cows located in the Modena and the Reggio Emilia provinces respectively, in the Padana plain, Northern Italy.
English name :Modenese breed
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Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed
Herd-Book creation :1978
Nb. Breeding females115.000
Trend :Stable
Location :Its geographical core coincides with "Sistema Central" the mountain range of the centre of Spain. Avileña-Negra Iberica herds can be also found in the "Sistema Ibérico", "Sierra Morena", "Sierra de la Demanda" mountain ranges among others. During winter season, it is also traditionally located in "dehesa" forest of Castilla la Mancha, Castilla León, Extremadura and Madrid.
English name :Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed
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