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- Bay, Elodie, Frédéric Colinet et Nicolas Gengler., 2010.
EURECA: Dual Purpose Belgian Blue.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA.Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. Belgium.
- Bay, Elodie, Frédéric Colinet et Nicolas Gengler., 2010.
EURECA: Dual Purpose Red and White.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA.Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. Belgium.
- CGN, 2009.
Deep Red Cattle breed assessment.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) of Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
Groningen White Headed breed assessment.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) of Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
MRIJ breed assessment.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) of Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
Cryoconservation of cattle breeds in The Netherlands. EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) of Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2010.
Video: Collection and freezing of cattle semen.Video Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN) of Wageningen UR.
- Duclos, D., Avon, L., Maki-Tanila, A., Pizzi, F., Woelders, H. and Hiemstra, S.J., 2009.
The role and organization of cryopreservation for local cattle breeds in France, Finland, Italy and the Netherlands.
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009. p. 5. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Duclos, D., Avon, L., Maki-Tanila, A., Pizzi, F., Woelders, H. and Hiemstra, S.J., 2009.
The role and organization of cryopreservation for local cattle breeds in France, Finland, Italy and the Netherlands.
Presentation 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009.
- Gandini, G., Avon, L., Bohte-Wilhelmus, D., Bay, E., Colinet, F.G., Choroszy, Z., Díaz, C., Duclos, D., Fernández, J., Gengler, N.,
Hoving-Bolink, R., Kearney, F., Lilja, T., Mäki-Tanila, A., Martín-Collado, D., Maurice-van Eijndhoven, M.,
Musella, M., Pizzi, F., Soini, K., Toro, M., Turri, F., Viinalas, H., the EURECA Consortium and Hiemstra, S.J. 2010.
Motives and values in farming local cattle breeds in Europe: a survey on 15 breeds.
Animal Genetic Resources, 47, 45-58, 2010.
- Gandini, G., Martín-Collado, D., Colinet, F., Duclos, D., Hiemstra, S.J., Soini, K., EURECA consortium* and Díaz, C. 2012.
Farmer's views and values to focus on cattle conservation policies: the case of eight European countries.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2012.
- Haas De, Y., Hiemstra, S.J., Bohte-Wilhelmus, D., Windig, J.J., Hoving, A.H. and Maurice-Van Eijndhoven, M.H.T., 2009.
How to maintain declining Dutch local cattle breeds?
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009. p. 7. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Haas De, Y., Hiemstra, S.J., Bohte-Wilhelmus, D., Windig, J.J., Hoving, A.H. and Maurice-Van Eijndhoven, M.H.T., 2009.
How to maintain declining Dutch local cattle breeds?
Presentation Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009.
- Hiemstra, S.J., Haas De, Y., Mäki-Tanila and Gandini, G., 2010.
Local cattle breeds in Europe. EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN: 978-90-8686-144-6. DOI: 10.3921/978-90-8686-697-7
- Hiemstra, S.J., Haas De, Y., Mäki-Tanila and Gandini, G., 2010.
EURECA. Local cattle breeds in Europe. Development of policies and strategies for selfsustaining breeds Presentation Brussels 2 December 2010.
- Lambert-Derkimba1, A. Minéry, S., Barbat, A., Casabianca1 F. and E. Verrier, 2010.
Consequences of the inscription of local breeds in protected
designation of origin cow cheese specifications for the genetic
management of the herds. Animal 4:(12), 1976-1986. 2010
- Lilja,T., Soini, K., Mäki-Tanila, A., 2009.
Western Finncattle. Nauta 4: 31-34. 2009.
- Lilja,T., Soini, K., Mäki-Tanila, A., 2009.
Eastern Finncattle. Nauta 5: 1-4. 2009.
- Mäki-Tanila, A. and Nikkonen, T., 2010.
Cryostorage of genetic variation in Finncattle breeds. Nauta 1: 27-30. 2010.
- Mäki-Tanila, A. and Hiemstra, S.J. 2010.
Regional issues on animal genetic resources: trends, policies and networking in Europe.
Animal Genetic Resources, 2010, 47, 125-136 2010.
- Martín-Collado, D., Díaz, C., Choroszy, Z., Duclos, D., Bay, E., Hiemstra, S.J., Kearney, F., Mäki-Tanila, A., Viinalass, H. and Gandini, G., 2009.
An integrated view of technical, economic and social factors influencing sustainability of sixteen local European cattle breeds
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009. p. 77. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Martín-Collado, D., Díaz, C., Choroszy, Z., Duclos, D., Bay, E., Hiemstra, S.J., Kearney, F., Mäki-Tanila, A., Viinalass, H. and Gandini, G., 2009.
An integrated view of technical, economic and social factors influencing sustainability of sixteen local European cattle breeds
Presentation Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Barcelona, Spain, 24-27 August 2009.
- Martín-Collado, D., Díaz, C., Mäki-Tanila, A., Colinet, F., Duclos, D., Hiemstra, S.J., EURECA Consortium and Gandini, G., 2013.
The use of SWOT analysis to explore and prioritize conservation
and development strategies for local cattle breeds.
Animal 7:(06), 885-894. 2013.
- Menuet, Lénaïg and Avon, Laurent., 2007.
Ferrandaise and Villard de Lans Cattle Breeds : Factors affecting demographic dynamics of local cattle breeds.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Institut de l’Elevage. France. ISBN 978-2-84148-442-4
- MTT, 2009.
Detailed breed cases studies Eastern Finncattle. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
- MTT, 2009.
Detailed breed cases studies Western Finncattle. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
- MTT, 2009.
EURECA Cryoconservation Finland. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
- National Research Institute of Animal Production, 2009.
Detailed breed cases studies Polish Red - COUNTRY POLAND. National Research Institute of Animal Production Poland.
- Soini, K., Diaz, C., Gandini, G., de Haas, Y., Lilja, T., Martin-Collado, D., Pizzi, F.,EURECA – consortium and Hiemstra S.J., 2013.
Developing a typology for local cattle breed farmers in Europe
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 129:(6), 436–447, 2012.
- Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009.
EURECA Cryoconservation Italy Summary report. Università degli Studi di Milano Italy.
- Zandera, K.K., Signorellob, G., De Salvob, M., Gandinic, G., and Druckerd, A.G., 2013.
Assessing the total economic value of threatened livestock breeds in
Italy: Implications for conservation policy Ecological Economics, 93, 219–229, 2013.
Other languages | |
- Bay E., 2009.
Développement des races bovines locales menaces
Wallonie Elevage, 2009 : 1, 28-30
- Bay, Elodie., 2008.
Project EuReCa: vers un développement durable des races bovines locales européennes.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux. Belgium
- Bay, Elodie, Frédéric Colinet et Nicolas Gengler., 2010.
EURECA: Pie Rouge Mixte.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA.Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. Belgium.
- Bay, Elodie, Frédéric Colinet et Nicolas Gengler., 2010.
EURECA: Blanc Bleu Belge de type mixte.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA.Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. Belgium.
- CGN, 2009.
Brochure Brandrode Rund.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederlands (CGN), Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
Brochure Groninger Blaarkop.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederlands (CGN), Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
Brochure MRIJ.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederlands (CGN), Wageningen UR.
- CGN, 2009.
Cryoconservering van runderrassen in Nederland.
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederlands (CGN), Wageningen UR.
- Gustavo Gandini, Flavia Pizzi, Federica Turri, Francesca Negrisolo e Michele Musella, 2010.
Report: Razza Modenese Bianca Val Padana.
- Gustavo Gandini, Flavia Pizzi, Federica Turri, Francesca Negrisolo e Michele Musella, 2010.
Report: Razza Reggiana.
- INIA, 2009.
- INIA, 2009.
- Lilja,T., Soini, K., Mäki-Tanila, A., 2009.
Länsisuomenkarja. Nauta 4: 31-34. 2009.
- Mäki-Tanila, A. and Nikkonen, T., 2010.
Geneettisen vaihtelun ylläpito kryovarastoissa. Nauta 1: 27-30. 2010.
- Martín, Daniel., Toro, Miguel Ángel., Fernández, Jesús. & Díaz,Clara., 2009.
Agri Gen Res 2006-0264. Dpto. de Mejora Genética Animal. INIA. & Dpto. Producción Animal. E.T.S.I.Agrónomos. UPM.Spain
- Martín, Daniel., Toro, Miguel Ángel., Fernández, Jesús. & Díaz,Clara., 2009.
Agri Gen Res 2006-0264. Dpto. de Mejora Genética Animal. INIA. & Dpto. Producción Animal. E.T.S.I.Agrónomos. UPM.Spain
- Martín, Daniel., Toro, Miguel Ángel., Fernández, Jesús. & Díaz,Clara., 2009.
Agri Gen Res 2006-0264. Dpto. de Mejora Genética Animal. INIA. & Dpto. Producción Animal. E.T.S.I.Agrónomos. UPM.Spain
- Menuet, Lénaïg. and Avon, Laurent., 2007.
Races bovines Ferrandaise et Villard de Lans :étude des facteurs influençant la dynamique démographique des races en conservation
EU GENRES 870/04 project EURECA. Institut de l’Elevage. France. ISBN 978-2-84148-44-6
- Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009.
EURECA Cryoconservation Italia Rapporto riassuntivo. Università degli Studi di Milano Italia.